Buy Me A Coffee

Brian Madeleine

Certified Couples Financial Coach

I am Coach Brian and I help stressed out couples regain control of their finances so they can live without money anxiety.



Course of Action to your Financial Dreams


    Schedule the Complimentary Coffee Chat call

    A 30 minute, no obligation call to talk about your financial dreams and wishes, and to see how my coaching will work for you. Grab your cup of coffee or favorite beverage, and let’s chat.


    Money Revelation Session

    We are going to regain control on your money in this 120 minute Money Revelation Review. In this, we lay out your finances, and help you understand and prepare a step-by-step plan for your money!

    You’ll leave with a new found confidence to achieve the goals discussed, and see your money anxiety disappear.


    Monthly Coaching

    It’s plain and simple. Some clients need more support and consistency. In my monthly coaching option, we work together at your pace to go into deeper thoughts on your money mindset, debts, and plan for your future. Most clients work with me for a few months.

    Please contact directly if interested!


What is Financial Coaching?

I like to think of it as your personal finance encouragement coach. A financial coach will guide their clients to reach their financial goals. I will provide the support, tools and encouragement to get you to those goals, while holding you accountable, being personalized and non-judgmental.

So, is coaching right for me?

Yes, if:

  • You are stressed as hell about money.

  • You are scared to spend money.

  • You have never budgeted or have a budget but no clue on how to properly use it.

  • You feel hopeless, your debts are racking up…

  • This and More?

    Then YES!!! Financial Coaching is for you.